Wednesday, January 20, 2010

April 14, 2004

I was reading an old notebook (I almost always carry one around) and I came across this note:

Jo –

You are (underlined) funny. (I’m guessing I was declaring that I was in fact funny after what was probably a poorly executed joke or saying something I found clever and none laughed.) Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. But, - you can tell Edward that I think he’s cute.

Don’t get me wrong – I think you’re (underlined) cute – and funny and . . . yes. .. you’re boobs are big and I do appreciate that but . . . well . . . you’re cute – Edward’s cute and I’m fairly cute so there it is . . . we’re all cute. Life is just fantastic – isn’t it? Enjoy!!

Written my someone named JP 4/13/04 at the Eagles Club (FYI – 3 for ones and a big gay bar)

On the next page I had another one of my lists.

Minnesota Things To Do:

1. Boundary Waters – International Falls
2. Gooseberry Falls
3. Duluth
4. Spam Museum
5. Wineries
6. Madeoline Island – Bayfield, WI

On the next page I had another list.

New Orleans, Louisiana

1. Mardi Gras
2. Speak fucked-up French
3. Good temperature all year round
4. H20
5. Old City!/History
6. Food
7. Diversity of Culture
8. Cultural Attractions

1. Mardi Gras
2. Hurricanes – Humidity
3. High Crime (Potential)
4. Expensive?

Not only did I think that it is hilarious that some 6 years later I’m basically the same person doing the same shit (which I think is funny shit by the way) but that I am actually able to make a plan – No, that I’m actually able to make things happen for myself. (That is, not that I even recalled having considered NOLA as a place to move prior to my impromptu decision last year.) I did 4 of the 6 MN things to do list (Spam museum and International Falls I’ve not yet visited) and I did move to NOLA.

So there you have it: you choose to be happy, you choose to do things for yourself and you choose the life you will lead even if you choose only tiny little things.

My current NOLA list is way different than that one (which reminds me to add “no water” on the "hate" side of my list) so I’ll get around to posting that one of these days too.

Turns out life really is kind of fantastic. Isn't it?

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Hate This Job

Hate is a bit strong but I cannot understate the amount of disdain I have about most of the folks that I work with; selfish, self-absorbed bunch of queens and fag-hags. I haven’t been there for like 8 or 9 days now (except for when I went in 4 days ago to talk to a manager about being sick) and their first response when I approach the family meal table: Are you still sick?

Wait, I didn’t explain that correctly. They weren’t inquiring in a way that was like, “oh, you poor thing, are you still ill?” No, it was this: they leaned away from me and they covered themselves – if they acknowledged me at all. They weren’t joking or trying to be funny. Most of them just went about chatting amongst themselves.

I- in my still terribly horse voice- tried to make a joke like, “Hey, this is what happens when you ignore your sickness.” And in response to their self-serving inquiry I said, “Yes, I am still sick but I am not contagious – just riddled with infection.” I stood there not knowing how to even take their response (or lack thereof). Not a one of them wished me well or, “hope you feel better.” So I just walked out.

I hate my fucking job and the people I work with. No assurance, however, that it’ll be any better anywhere else. But for the record . . .

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Get That Gorilla Off My Back

Oh shit, another year has passed and I’m lying in bed sick. Part of it self induced and, in part, due to my having ignored allergens and sickness to the point of no recovery; compound that with a lot of bad (by which I mean good) eating, a lot of drinking, in addition to a rapid suction of over-drinking while good, good friends were in town .. . Well, there ya go, sickness.

If you know me you know I don’t have a monkey on my back but a gorilla. Seriously (literally), a gorilla (suit) and on this fine weekend I had two. (If you are not familiar with the gorilla shenanigans, your loss for sure.) Although I promised I’d spend this self-induced sick time looking for a new job, I lied (just a little). I’m mixing my meds with a bloody (just one I swear!) and working on my cookbook round up for the year. So, I’m gonna hunker down and review my notes, ask around a little, reflect on my purchases and, if I get around to it, maybe take a peek at Craigslist.

Missing my M like chickens!

P.S. I don't know (not me!) who to blame for the blurry shot but that would be me and my bff with 2 of the cheffie types at the Bourbon House. It is not the first time this kitchen has seen the gorilla, but a first for the two.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

All Super 6's Are Not Created Equal

Everything you ever needed to know about getting a cheap hotel room on a road trip

• Location is key but a dump is a dump is a dump – no matter how close to your attraction.

• Check on line: I found a differences of more than 100$ between the hotel’s site versus a discount (not to mention the crap prices they quote you in person). You can sometimes negotiate for web prices in person but not always.

• Amenity differences: Super 8's has a Kleenex dispenser by the sink and Motel 6, a bottle opener.

• Seriously, move away from the highway. If you’re forced to get a place cuz you’re gonna crash if you don’t at least request a room on the other side of the road or as far away from it as possible (and babies, and pools, and anyone likely to be hooking). Just a suggestion.

• Request to see a room before giving them any money. Make sure it’s actually the room you’ll be sleeping in. There are such things as decoy rooms.

• Would you like a diet cherry Fontana? Check out the vendi situation before you settle in for the night.

• Wi-Fi: if they don’t know what it is chances are they don’t have it. (In the case of Motel 6 they only certain rooms offer it and they may or may not require that you purchase a card for $3.99; if you stay at a few chances are the first one you bought will actually still work at the others).

• All confidence is lost when the GM of the hotel gives you the key to someone else’s room.

• Don’t look too closely – yes, I found a wall booger.

• Flip Flops – highly suggested!

• The check-out times are negotiable, especially if you’re checking in later. Have yet to talk someone into 5 o’clock but we did manage 3 o’clock once.

• Bring your own pillow.

• All Super 6’s are not created equally.

• Cleanliness is subjective.

• Mold, optional.

• Ditto on “non-smoking.” One non-smoking room came complete with ashtray and cigarette burns on the comforter. The topper: we had to sign an agreement that assesses a $175 fine if they decreed the room to have been smoked in.

• Alarm clocks grow scarcer the farther south you go.

• What about “DO NOT DISTURB” do you not understand?

• Even bad coffee (either in your room or in the lobby) can be better than no coffee. Never knew it but coffee houses can be scarce.

• Who cares if they offer free continental breakfast (cereal, stale donuts, canned fruit. . .) if you don’t rise before 10?

• Guess what, if you actually tip your housekeeper the room does get cleaner and they’re less likely to steal something from you. I’m just saying.

OK, it's not everything you need to know but it is a good primer.